Thursday, 3 September 2015


An integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a computer. Microprocessor is an electronic chip that performs both control and processing functions. Microprocessor or the CPU of a microcomputer acts as the brain; coordinating all the activities within the computer.

Functional components of µp
          Every microprocessor has at least the following functional components which forms the CPU of classical computer are as under:
          Register section
          Arithmetic logic unit
          Interface section
          Control unit

Register section:  set of registers are used for temporary storage of instructions, data and address of data. Store arbitrary data and also used to control the processor. Some Common registers are as Accumulators, memory address registers, program counter etc
Arithmetic logic Unit:  executes all arithmetic & logic instructions. For example, Arithmetic addition and logic AND operations will be performed in the arithmetic and logic unit.
Interface section: Input & output lines through which the MPU commutate with the outside world is called interface section.
Control unit: coordinates and controls the activities of the various sections with in the MPUs and other devices connected to the interface section.
Block diagram of microprocessor

Systems Bus: The input and output lines, through which the MPU communicates with the outside world such as memory and
I/O devices are called Systems Bus.
A µp communicates with memory and other devices (I/O) using the given three busses.
          Address bus
          Data bus
          Control bus
Address bus: The addressed bus provides this unique memory address or I/O device address. Address bus is a unidirectional i.e. numbers only sent from µp to the memory, no other way
Data bus: Data is transferred in both directions through data bus. Any information, instruction or data is communicated with the outside world through these busses.
Control bus: It is a group of various signal lines used to provide control and synchronization signals. µP generates different control signals for different operations. These signals are used to identify the device with which the up wants to communicate.

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