Wednesday 26 August 2015

Topic#1 Introduction to DBMS

What is Database?

Database is an integral part of any organization. Every organization needs information for making effective decisions. Database is a computer based record keeping system which is used to record, maintain and retrieve data. It is an organized collection of interrelated (persistent) data.

What is Database Management System (DBMS)?
A Database Management System (DBMS) is a collection of interrelated files and set of programs which allows users to access and modify files. It provides a convenient and efficient way to store, retrieve and modify information. Application programs request DBMS to retrieve, modify/insert/delete data for them and thus it acts as a layer of abstraction between the application programs and the file system.
·         DBMS acts as a layer of abstraction on top of the File system.
·         For interacting with the DBMS we use a Query language called Structured Query Language (SQL)  

Difference between File based Data Storage System and         DBMS:

Advantages of a DBMS

  1.       Data independence
  2.    Reduced data redundancy
  3.    Increased security
  4.    Better flexibility
  5.    Effective data sharing
  6.    Enforces integrity constraints
  7.    Enables backup and recovery

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